Product updates
Apr 9, 2024

We’ve raised £3 million to expand our support in the learning disability and home care sectors

We’re delighted to announce that we've raised a further £3 million with our existing investor Mercia Ventures

We've got some exciting news to share. We have just secured an additional £3 million in funding from our existing investor, Mercia Ventures.

Since our founding in 2017 by University of Oxford engineering students Sam Hussain and Adam Hurst, Log my Care has grown rapidly. We currently support over 1,300 care providers, helping around 20,000 people in various care settings, including learning disability, domiciliary care, and supported living.

We're proud to announce that our annual recurring revenue soared by about 80% in 2023, surpassing the £2 million mark. And there's much more on the horizon.

Expanding our support: GP Connect, Rostering, NHSx Assured Supplier

For Log my Care, this expansion funding is a big step forward for us as we strive to become the leading care management software in the learning disability sector and expand our support in home care.

We're getting ready to launch our GP Connect feature, which will integrate with the NHS and give care teams access to important service user data from GP records.

Rota management, commonly known as rostering, is coming soon and will help home care providers handle the complex staff schedules involved in home care visits.

And while many care providers still rely on paper records, the government provides funding to encourage them to switch to digital social care records (DSCRs). Its £25m-a-year scheme has recently been extended until March 2025 and can only be used on approved suppliers verified by NHSx, such as Log my Care. We recently achieved Catalogue Compliance to retain our place as an Assured Supplier for DSCR.

How did it all start?

We started with a purpose to transform care for society’s most vulnerable people and five years later, we’re still firmly on that path. After all, it’s our mission to make person-centred technology accessible to everybody in social care.

What does this funding mean for the future?

Our CEO, Sam Hussain on improving care quality and efficiency:

And Henry Hamilton from Mercia Ventures, on embracing digital technology in independent care homes:

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