We’ve just launched our first premium module, Pro!
It's a bit of a special blog today as it marks a big milestone in Log my Care's short but super-charged history. Today is the day we are launching the first optional premium module we've called Pro.

It's a bit of a special blog today as it marks a big milestone in Log my Care's short but super-charged history. Today is the day we are launching the first optional premium module we've called Pro.
It's a bit of a special blog today as it marks a big milestone for all of us here in Log my Care. Today is the day we are launching the first optional premium module we've called Pro.
You might've spied it already over on our pricing page, but as most of you know by now Log my Care has a free core system. This is what brings together all of the essential and lovely elements involved in electronic care planning in a simple and easy-to-use package to help get care providers ditching paper and moving into digital care recording.
To help fund our continuing development and to deliver even greater features and functions for our free core system, we're launching our first optional premium module, that we've called Pro. It contains a load of nifty features we know will help to turbo-boost care delivery and make carers lives even easier when using our care home app.
The biggest new feature included in Pro is the ability to use the Carer App offline. We know that lots of providers struggle with poor Wi-Fi connection and have limited mobile reception too. With Pro, mobile devices using the care home app can now be disconnected for up to 24hrs and still log care. Everything that gets recorded is then synchronized when the device reconnects.
But that's not all, we've also added a special handovers feature, which groups up your care logs, creating an instant handover that can be sent between shifts. Nifty eh?! I won't go into all the features here (you can check out the full information over on the Pro page itself) but there are some awesome new features we know you'll love as they'll save your care service even more time.
We asked some of our community to trial Pro over the past few weeks, so we could really put the new features through their paces and get their feedback. Responses have been incredible, so we've taken the steps to launch the module full and it's now available to everyone who is signed up to use Log my Care.
One of the nicest quotes we got last week said, "Handovers will working amazing for us, the new document area is great as I like to provide staff with information and this works brill for me. The flagging part is brill [I] just LOVE IT!!!". So we're pretty chuffed to see that it's gone down well with our community. Every time we get feedback that includes more than one exclamation mark we have a mini-celebration ?.
But that's not it, because we know that most providers need to test something out and find out if it's for them before they commit to something, then we've made the first month completely free. That's right, free! All you need to do is log into your Care Office and click the Pro banner to upgrade or send us a message through live chat. Once you've finished your fir.st month there's a small monthly charge of £20 (+VAT) per home, if you want to continue using it. However, if it's not for you, then you can always downgrade back to just using core, without any hassle.
For the full details on Pro, head over to our Pro module page, or chat to one of our team via our live chat widget in the bottom right of your screen.
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