Aug 12, 2019

Find out who our carer of the month is for July 2019

Every month the nominations for our coveted Carer of the month award pour in. Each month without fail we are astounded by the amount of gratitude and recognition that Carers from our community give to one another.  Last month's winner was Florina Popa from Carrick house. But it's now time to pass on the crown to the next superstar.

Drum roll, please!!

The Carer of the month for July 2019 is Rachel Larke from Clarence House!

Rachel was nominated by several members of her team and defines what it means to be a good Senior. She spends her time patiently working and is always ready to lend a hand. She helps her team regardless of how busy she gets. She’s also a bit of a superstar in Clarence House as she’s been a member of the team for 16 years! That is an incredible achievement, the amount of different people who rely on you every day and you still find time to help your team out whenever you can.

Rachel we think you’re bloody awesome! We hope you enjoy your goodies and congratulations on becoming our Carer of the month!

How can you get involved with our Carer of the month awards?

Each and every month we select the Carer of the month from the superstar Carers voted for and nominated by our community. We send goodies and a certificate to say thank you for being awesome, whilst sharing the news with everyone who uses Log my Care.

All you need to do to be in with a chance of winning is simple, just be part of the community and do what you do best… care! We collect the nominations up every month and give the award out to the Carers that really shine.

If you’re not already signed up to use Log my Care in your care service, then head on over to our Get Started page and get signed up. It’s free and you’ll be up and running in minutes.

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