Nov 25, 2019

Find out who our carer of the month is for October 2019

It's that time again. We are due to crown our latest and greatest Carer of the month. Last month's winner Jemma set the bar very high when she wowed the team with all of her help and support when it came to developing our new Care Planning module. However another month has rolled round and it is time to crown a new champion. And this month it's pretty special.

So without further ado please sound the drums!

The Carer of the month for October 2019 is Kaya McLeod from Poldark (Green Light)!

Kaya was nominated by her fellow support workers and described as someone who goes ‘a million miles above and beyond’ in her work. Not only is she juggling a hectic family life, she finds time to look after everyone and cooks delicious healthy food. She’s even been organising this year’s Christmas Party to make sure everyone gets a chance to unwind after a very busy year. Professionally she’s no slouch either, going so far as buying sensory toys so that the service-user she supports is able to be happy even when they aren’t able to be too active.

Kaya you are an absolute hero and embody everything that makes a fantastic Care professional, so congratulations on being our Carer of the month and we hope you liked the goodies!

How can you get involved with our Carer of the month awards?

Every month (although sometimes it might be a bit late ?) we select a Carer of the month from the superstar Carers, Managers and Care Professionals that are voted for and nominated by our community. We send across some yummy treats to say thank you for being awesome, whilst sharing the news with everyone else who uses Log my Care.

All you need to do to be in with a chance of winning is simple, just be part of the community and do what you do best… care! The process is simple. We collect the nominations up every month and give the award out to the care professionals that really shine.

If you’re not already signed up to use Log my Care in your care service, then visit our Get Started page and get signed up.

It’s free and you’ll be up and running in minutes.

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