Feb 8, 2018

How easy is it to set up a care system pilot?

Here at Log my Care we take more than a little bit of pride in how simple it is to get up and running with the care system. This edition of our blog will help give you a quick run through of how to get a pilot of Log my Care and running in your care home.

Here at Log my Care we take more than a little bit of pride in how simple it is to get up and running with the care system. This edition of our blog will help give you a quick run through of how to get a pilot of Log my Care and running in your care home.

First, off you'll need to go and create an account - head on over to our 'Get Started' Page and follow the 4 quick steps to create yourself an account.

Next, you will want to sign-in and start adding your pilot information, like your residents, their care tasks and your carers into the 'Care Office' on your computer. This is the bit of the care system where you'll do the management of everything. The carers record at point of care with their own mobile devices like tablets or phones.

This leads me on nicely to the next step. You'll now need to download the Log my Care app onto the devices you want your carers to use. If you are planning on letting your carers use their own devices, then they can just follow the instructions that get emailed when you set them up. Alternatively, if you're providing the devices for the home or want the 'Carer App' on your phone just the Apple App store or Google Play store links below and download it onto the devices as you need.

Download App Store logo
Android Google Play logo


Next, have a play with the 'Care Office', see how simple it is to setup recurring care tasks for the home and all of your residents. You'll soon see it's even easier for carers to log the care they provide - just a couple of taps and 'hey presto' a full care log is created all nice and neat for your resident.

If you get stuck at any point don't forget you can always talk to us using the live chat in the 'Care Office' or 'Carer App'.

Lastly, you'll need to go and speak to the care home owner. Go and show them what a clever so-and-so you've been - you're one of the brightest sparks out there, who has managed to get hold of a care system that's one of the best and all for free!

If you've struggled with any of the steps above, we're a nice bunch of people here and are on hand every day to make sure you get the most out of the using the system. We genuinely look forward to seeing how much we can make your life easier.

Oh and welcome to the fastest growing community of carers in the UK

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