This Easter with many people gleefully planning their weekends off, we spotted Jade Davidson's poem that talks about sparing a thought for the carers working through the Easter break. As soon as we read it we knew we had to act!
As you might've already heard, we kind of like celebrating people who care and rewarding them for all the awesome work they do. We do this in many different ways from supporting our community with our Carer of the month awards, to partnering with the Care Workers Charity and raising money (more on that soon!). But we also make sure we listen to the wider discussions going on in the care community. This Easter with many people gleefully planning their weekends off, we spotted Jade Davidson's poem that talks about sparing a thought for the carers working through the Easter break. As soon as we read it we knew we had to act!
Step forward our very own Easter Bunny Sam. He hopped along and managed to grab the very last delivery of chocolate to make sure Jade had something yummy to welcome her on her Easter shift at Carrondale Care Home in Falkirk.
So from everyone at Log my Care, I'd like to take this opportunity to say thank-you Jade, and to all of you wonderful carers, support workers, night shifters, managers and superstars that worked this bank holiday weekend, looking after people and making their lives better.