What Good looks like: How to deliver good quality care in 2023 (with examples)
Mark Topps breaks down how to deliver quality care in line with the government's latest What Good Looks Like Framework, with examples from care providers.
Getting a Good rating from our regulator, the Care Quality Commission (CQC), is something to be proud of achieving. It means we're providing care that's safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led – which going digital can easily allow us to evidence as we work towards getting that outstanding CQC rating. But what does good care look like in social care, and how do you deliver quality care using technology in 2023?
Last month, the government released its latest guidance to what Good looks like for digital working in adult social care. This blog post takes a deep dive into what that actually looks like (with real-life examples of how care providers got their Good ratings) so that you can achieve it, too.
Setting up a Safe digital transformation
A Good CQC rating in the “Safe” category means that the service is taking appropriate measures to ensure the safety and well-being of the individuals receiving care. To be rated “Safe”, the service will need to evidence:
Effective systems are in place to prevent harm and accidents, including comprehensive policies and procedures, along with staff training to implement them.
Staff are trained in Safeguarding, and the service actively addresses and learns from safeguarding matters.
People using the care service are included in discussions about risks, and detailed risk assessments are created to enable positive risk-taking. Documentation should reflect conversations about risks and ways to reduce them effectively.
The service has proper medication systems, including safe handling, storage, and administration. Staff are trained in Medication Management, and regular stock checks and audits are conducted.
Health and Safety is prioritised, with routine internal and external inspections. This ensures equipment is well-maintained and tested, fire safety precautions are in place, lessons learned are transparent, infection control measures are robust, and Health and Safety is consistently addressed in team meetings.
The service should be able to provide a staffing rota for the upcoming weeks, with adequate staffing levels to meet the needs of the people being supported.
Adequate measures are in place to maintain data security (both paper and digitally). You can seek advice through the NHS’s Data Security and Protection Toolkit or Log my Care’s cyber security advice on keeping sensitive information secure for your care service.
Examples of how real-life care providers achieved this
Looking at the CQC website and picking two “Good” reports for Safe, the CQC had detailed:
Using their data, a care provider put steps in place to provide more staffing where falls by location and time had been high. This reduced the falls and, in turn, reduced the amount of health and blue light provision.
A learning disability care provider had a positive risk-taking approach to their services. They ensured that the people they were supporting had the best possible outcomes. To achieve this, they involved risk assessments, had open conversations with the people they were supporting, collaborated with other services, and had an effective staff training system.
Establishing an Effective digital transformation
A Good rating in the “Effective” category means that the service is achieving positive outcomes for the individuals receiving care. To be rated “Effective”, the service will need to evidence:
Staff are available and adaptable to care at a time the person wants. Services should be able to demonstrate it is well-resourced with staff and has a clear staffing ratio.
It supports people to achieve short-, medium- and long-term goals and outcomes. Outcomes are monitored and evaluated to monitor progress on these, steps are put in place as needed, and risk assessments and care plans are updated to reflect these updates/changes.
It is responsive to people’s changing needs and preferences, considering religious, cultural, and/or social preferences.
That care plans are detailed, person-led and written using I/We statements. They should demonstrate the provider's involvement of the individual using the service. Care plans should be regularly reviewed and adjusted in collaboration with social workers, healthcare professionals, family, and friends, as needed, to ensure accuracy.
Staff are trained and upskilled to have the knowledge to deliver effective care. The regulator will want reassurance that staff have the appropriate skills to meet diverse needs, such as end of life training, stoma care, positive behaviour support and so on.
The service has proper medication systems for the safe handling, storage and administering of medication. Staff are trained in Medication Management and regular stock checks and audits take place.
That the service is committed to continuous improvement and learning. You can evidence this through surveys, complaint and compliment audits, and implementing changes based on verbal or written feedback.
Examples of how real-life care providers achieved this
Looking at the CQC website and picking two “Good” reports for Effective, the CQC had detailed:
A care provider used a strong governance framework to make continuous improvements. By following research and using innovative ideas, there was an inclusive culture at the home where residents and their relatives were always listened to.
Residents, relatives and health professionals were extremely positive about how staff adjusted to people's changing needs. They even said they involved health professionals at the right time so that people's health and wellbeing could be maximised. One health care professional said,“I go to a lot of homes. Here, staff are really kind, and they really know their residents. I saw lovely interactions and I can say the care is very personalised."
Creating a Caring digital transformation
A Good rating in the “Caring” category means that the service is providing compassionate and person-centred care. To be rated “Caring”, the service will need to evidence:
That they have compassionate and caring staff who show kindness, understanding and empathy to towards the individuals in their care.
That care is delivered in a person-centred approach and that individuals accessing the care service are involved in their care planning and outcomes.
That providers uphold dignity and privacy through in-depth policies and procedures and that staff demonstrate this in practice.
That confidentially is taken seriously, and that people’s self-worth and autonomy are promoted.
That communication between management to staff and staff to those being supported is effective, open and transparent. Information should be in accessible formats.
Continuity of care is prioritised so that people can build relationships and trust.
That the service ensures people’s emotional and social needs are met through social interactions, and that mental health and wellbeing needs are met. Social interactions (internal and external) that could be offered include easter activities and Christmas activities.
Examples of how real-life care providers achieved this
Looking at the CQC website and picking two “Good” reports for Caring, the CQC had detailed:
Staff created a homely environment and treated people like family with dignity and respect. They were passionate about providing individual care to people that added value to their lives.
Staff came up with clever ways to help residents and their family members stay connected. For instance, they got the partner of a resident to pitch in as a volunteer, so they could spend more time together and support others. And when a relative couldn't visit due to public transport risks, staff took the resident to their relative's place and set up a safe, socially distanced visit on the bus.
Recognising a Responsive digital transformation
A Good rating in the “Responsive” category signifies that the service is responsive to changing needs and preferences of the people it is supporting. To be rated “Responsive”, the service will need to evidence:
The service ensures that people receive timely care and support based on their needs and preferences. This includes quick assistance, timely medication delivery, and scheduling activities and appointments appropriately.
The service is flexible and adjusts care plans and support to meet changing circumstances.
People's needs are at the centre, and they actively participate in decisions about their care, including outcomes, goals, and choices.
Communication channels are effective and adapted for accessibility. People receive information to make informed decisions, and both staff and individuals using the service feel confident in expressing concerns.
There are robust systems in place to handle and resolve complaints. Complaint procedures are accessible and transparent, ensuring thorough investigations and appropriate actions to address any issues. Feedback is provided to the individuals involved, and carers understand how to deal with allegations against them.
Care is personalised and considers cultural, religious, and other specific support needs.
Examples of how real-life care providers achieved this
Looking at the CQC website and picking two “Good” reports for Responsive, the CQC had detailed:
People received care and support that was exceptionally personalised. Support plans were detailed, and one professional told the inspector, “If I suggest anything, you can guarantee the next time I go, they will have tried it. They work with people to find what fits them. The people benefit so much. The staff do a great job.”
Technology was used creatively to support individuals, and they actively participated in its implementation. For those with difficulty reading or understanding pictures, ‘recording buttons’ were utilised to provide necessary information, promoting dignity and self-esteem for individuals who previously relied on staff for such support.
Showcasing a Well-Led digital transformation
A Good rating in the “Well-led” category signifies that there is a strong leadership and governance within the service and that there is a clear vision for the future and sustainability of the service. To be rated “Well-Led”, the service will need to evidence:
Skilled leaders are present, inspiring and motivating staff, fostering a positive culture, and establishing clear expectations for high-quality care.
Continuous improvement is deeply ingrained in the service.
Robust governance structures are in place.
The service has a clear vision and strategy for delivering person-centred care, improving outcomes for staff, individuals receiving support, and stakeholders.
Adequate and appropriately trained staff are available to meet the needs of individuals in their care.
Recruitment and development plans ensure staff are recruited, trained, and developed effectively.
Robust systems monitor and assess care quality through regular audits, risk management, and learning from incidents and complaints.
Collaboration and partnership working are embedded to meet the needs of individuals.
The service has sufficient financial resources, budgets, and financial sustainability.
Examples of how real-life care providers achieved this
Looking at the CQC website and picking two “Good” reports for Well-led, the CQC had detailed:
The service had a well-defined, positive ethos and culture, with every aspect tailored to meet individual needs. This focus on personalised care permeated throughout the service and ensured that each person had opportunities for a fulfilling life, expressing their wishes, and reaching their potential.
The registered manager demonstrated strong leadership and a genuine commitment to supporting positive care and maximising individuals' potential. Continuous improvement was prioritised, and there was a clear dedication to staff development and equal access to development opportunities.
In summary, these ratings indicate the quality and standard of care provided to individuals, demonstrating compliance with the expectations of the Care Quality Commission.
It signifies that a care provider is delivering safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led care – and embracing digital solutions can greatly facilitate the delivery of such high-quality care.
Platforms like Log my Care effectively support you in showcasing the quality of care you provide. Regardless of your service size, having the flexibility and oversight that comes with a digital care plan can empower you to deliver the best care, easily.
Looking to better evidence your care? Get started today by registering for free.